=================================== The environment dictionary, ``env`` =================================== A simple but integral aspect of Fabric is what is known as the "environment": a Python dictionary subclass, which is used as a combination settings registry and shared inter-task data namespace. The environment dict is currently implemented as a global singleton, ``fabric.state.env``, and is included in ``fabric.api`` for convenience. Keys in ``env`` are sometimes referred to as "env variables". Environment as configuration ============================ Most of Fabric's behavior is controllable by modifying ``env`` variables, such as ``env.hosts`` (as seen in :ref:`the tutorial `). Other commonly-modified env vars include: * ``user``: Fabric defaults to your local username when making SSH connections, but you can use ``env.user`` to override this if necessary. The :doc:`execution` documentation also has info on how to specify usernames on a per-host basis. * ``password``: Used to explicitly set your default connection or sudo password if desired. Fabric will prompt you when necessary if this isn't set or doesn't appear to be valid. * ``warn_only``: a Boolean setting determining whether Fabric exits when detecting errors on the remote end. See :doc:`execution` for more on this behavior. There are a number of other env variables; for the full list, see :ref:`env-vars` at the bottom of this document. The `~fabric.context_managers.settings` context manager ------------------------------------------------------- In many situations, it's useful to only temporarily modify ``env`` vars so that a given settings change only applies to a block of code. Fabric provides a `~fabric.context_managers.settings` context manager, which takes any number of key/value pairs and will use them to modify ``env`` within its wrapped block. For example, there are many situations where setting ``warn_only`` (see below) is useful. To apply it to a few lines of code, use ``settings(warn_only=True)``, as seen in this simplified version of the ``contrib`` `~fabric.contrib.files.exists` function:: from fabric.api import settings, run def exists(path): with settings(warn_only=True): return run('test -e %s' % path) See the :doc:`../api/core/context_managers` API documentation for details on `~fabric.context_managers.settings` and other, similar tools. Environment as shared state =========================== As mentioned, the ``env`` object is simply a dictionary subclass, so your own fabfile code may store information in it as well. This is sometimes useful for keeping state between multiple tasks within a single execution run. .. note:: This aspect of ``env`` is largely historical: in the past, fabfiles were not pure Python and thus the environment was the only way to communicate between tasks. Nowadays, you may call other tasks or subroutines directly, and even keep module-level shared state if you wish. In future versions, Fabric will become threadsafe, at which point ``env`` may be the only easy/safe way to keep global state. Other considerations ==================== While it subclasses ``dict``, Fabric's ``env`` has been modified so that its values may be read/written by way of attribute access, as seen in some of the above material. In other words, ``env.host_string`` and ``env['host_string']`` are functionally identical. We feel that attribute access can often save a bit of typing and makes the code more readable, so it's the recommended way to interact with ``env``. The fact that it's a dictionary can be useful in other ways, such as with Python's ``dict``-based string interpolation, which is especially handy if you need to insert multiple env vars into a single string. Using "normal" string interpolation might look like this:: print("Executing on %s as %s" % (env.host, env.user)) Using dict-style interpolation is more readable and slightly shorter:: print("Executing on %(host)s as %(user)s" % env) .. _env-vars: Full list of env vars ===================== Below is a list of all predefined (or defined by Fabric itself during execution) environment variables. While many of them may be manipulated directly, it's often best to use `~fabric.context_managers`, either generally via `~fabric.context_managers.settings` or via specific context managers such as `~fabric.context_managers.cd`. Note that many of these may be set via ``fab``'s command-line switches -- see :doc:`fab` for details. Cross-references are provided where appropriate. .. seealso:: :option:`--set` .. _abort-exception: ``abort_exception`` ------------------- **Default:** ``None`` Fabric normally handles aborting by printing an error message to stderr and calling ``sys.exit(1)``. This setting allows you to override that behavior (which is what happens when ``env.abort_exception`` is ``None``.) Give it a callable which takes a string (the error message that would have been printed) and returns an exception instance. That exception object is then raised instead of ``SystemExit`` (which is what ``sys.exit`` does.) Much of the time you'll want to simply set this to an exception class, as those fit the above description perfectly (callable, take a string, return an exception instance.) E.g. ``env.abort_exception = MyExceptionClass``. .. _abort-on-prompts: ``abort_on_prompts`` -------------------- **Default:** ``False`` When ``True``, Fabric will run in a non-interactive mode, calling `~fabric.utils.abort` anytime it would normally prompt the user for input (such as password prompts, "What host to connect to?" prompts, fabfile invocation of `~fabric.operations.prompt`, and so forth.) This allows users to ensure a Fabric session will always terminate cleanly instead of blocking on user input forever when unforeseen circumstances arise. .. versionadded:: 1.1 .. seealso:: :option:`--abort-on-prompts` ``all_hosts`` ------------- **Default:** ``[]`` Set by ``fab`` to the full host list for the currently executing command. For informational purposes only. .. seealso:: :doc:`execution` .. _always-use-pty: ``always_use_pty`` ------------------ **Default:** ``True`` When set to ``False``, causes `~fabric.operations.run`/`~fabric.operations.sudo` to act as if they have been called with ``pty=False``. .. seealso:: :option:`--no-pty` .. versionadded:: 1.0 .. _colorize-errors: ``colorize_errors`` ------------------- **Default** ``False`` When set to ``True``, error output to the terminal is colored red and warnings are colored magenta to make them easier to see. .. versionadded:: 1.7 .. _combine-stderr: ``combine_stderr`` ------------------ **Default**: ``True`` Causes the SSH layer to merge a remote program's stdout and stderr streams to avoid becoming meshed together when printed. See :ref:`combine_streams` for details on why this is needed and what its effects are. .. versionadded:: 1.0 ``command`` ----------- **Default:** ``None`` Set by ``fab`` to the currently executing command name (e.g., when executed as ``$ fab task1 task2``, ``env.command`` will be set to ``"task1"`` while ``task1`` is executing, and then to ``"task2"``.) For informational purposes only. .. seealso:: :doc:`execution` ``command_prefixes`` -------------------- **Default:** ``[]`` Modified by `~fabric.context_managers.prefix`, and prepended to commands executed by `~fabric.operations.run`/`~fabric.operations.sudo`. .. versionadded:: 1.0 .. _command-timeout: ``command_timeout`` ------------------- **Default:** ``None`` Remote command timeout, in seconds. .. versionadded:: 1.6 .. seealso:: :option:`--command-timeout` .. _connection-attempts: ``connection_attempts`` ----------------------- **Default:** ``1`` Number of times Fabric will attempt to connect when connecting to a new server. For backwards compatibility reasons, it defaults to only one connection attempt. .. versionadded:: 1.4 .. seealso:: :option:`--connection-attempts`, :ref:`timeout` ``cwd`` ------- **Default:** ``''`` Current working directory. Used to keep state for the `~fabric.context_managers.cd` context manager. .. _dedupe_hosts: ``dedupe_hosts`` ---------------- **Default:** ``True`` Deduplicate merged host lists so any given host string is only represented once (e.g. when using combinations of ``@hosts`` + ``@roles``, or ``-H`` and ``-R``.) When set to ``False``, this option relaxes the deduplication, allowing users who explicitly want to run a task multiple times on the same host (say, in parallel, though it works fine serially too) to do so. .. versionadded:: 1.5 .. _disable-known-hosts: ``disable_known_hosts`` ----------------------- **Default:** ``False`` If ``True``, the SSH layer will skip loading the user's known-hosts file. Useful for avoiding exceptions in situations where a "known host" changing its host key is actually valid (e.g. cloud servers such as EC2.) .. seealso:: :option:`--disable-known-hosts <-D>`, :doc:`ssh` .. _eagerly-disconnect: ``eagerly_disconnect`` ---------------------- **Default:** ``False`` If ``True``, causes ``fab`` to close connections after each individual task execution, instead of at the end of the run. This helps prevent a lot of typically-unused network sessions from piling up and causing problems with limits on per-process open files, or network hardware. .. note:: When active, this setting will result in the disconnect messages appearing throughout your output, instead of at the end. This may be improved in future releases. .. _effective_roles: ``effective_roles`` ------------------- **Default:** ``[]`` Set by ``fab`` to the roles list of the currently executing command. For informational purposes only. .. seealso:: :doc:`execution` .. _exclude-hosts: ``exclude_hosts`` ----------------- **Default:** ``[]`` Specifies a list of host strings to be :ref:`skipped over ` during ``fab`` execution. Typically set via :option:`--exclude-hosts/-x <-x>`. .. versionadded:: 1.1 ``fabfile`` ----------- **Default:** ``fabfile.py`` Filename pattern which ``fab`` searches for when loading fabfiles. To indicate a specific file, use the full path to the file. Obviously, it doesn't make sense to set this in a fabfile, but it may be specified in a ``.fabricrc`` file or on the command line. .. seealso:: :option:`--fabfile <-f>`, :doc:`fab` .. _gateway: ``gateway`` ----------- **Default:** ``None`` Enables SSH-driven gatewaying through the indicated host. The value should be a normal Fabric host string as used in e.g. :ref:`env.host_string `. When this is set, newly created connections will be set to route their SSH traffic through the remote SSH daemon to the final destination. .. versionadded:: 1.5 .. seealso:: :option:`--gateway <-g>` .. _host_string: ``host_string`` --------------- **Default:** ``None`` Defines the current user/host/port which Fabric will connect to when executing `~fabric.operations.run`, `~fabric.operations.put` and so forth. This is set by ``fab`` when iterating over a previously set host list, and may also be manually set when using Fabric as a library. .. seealso:: :doc:`execution` .. _forward-agent: ``forward_agent`` -------------------- **Default:** ``False`` If ``True``, enables forwarding of your local SSH agent to the remote end. .. versionadded:: 1.4 .. seealso:: :option:`--forward-agent <-A>` ``host`` -------- **Default:** ``None`` Set to the hostname part of ``env.host_string`` by ``fab``. For informational purposes only. .. _hosts: ``hosts`` --------- **Default:** ``[]`` The global host list used when composing per-task host lists. .. seealso:: :option:`--hosts <-H>`, :doc:`execution` .. _keepalive: ``keepalive`` ------------- **Default:** ``0`` (i.e. no keepalive) An integer specifying an SSH keepalive interval to use; basically maps to the SSH config option ``ClientAliveInterval``. Useful if you find connections are timing out due to meddlesome network hardware or what have you. .. seealso:: :option:`--keepalive` .. versionadded:: 1.1 .. _key: ``key`` ---------------- **Default:** ``None`` A string, or file-like object, containing an SSH key; used during connection authentication. .. note:: The most common method for using SSH keys is to set :ref:`key-filename`. .. versionadded:: 1.7 .. _key-filename: ``key_filename`` ---------------- **Default:** ``None`` May be a string or list of strings, referencing file paths to SSH key files to try when connecting. Passed through directly to the SSH layer. May be set/appended to with :option:`-i`. .. seealso:: `Paramiko's documentation for SSHClient.connect() `_ .. _env-linewise: ``linewise`` ------------ **Default:** ``False`` Forces buffering by line instead of by character/byte, typically when running in parallel mode. May be activated via :option:`--linewise`. This option is implied by :ref:`env.parallel ` -- even if ``linewise`` is False, if ``parallel`` is True then linewise behavior will occur. .. seealso:: :ref:`linewise-output` .. versionadded:: 1.3 .. _local-user: ``local_user`` -------------- A read-only value containing the local system username. This is the same value as :ref:`user`'s initial value, but whereas :ref:`user` may be altered by CLI arguments, Python code or specific host strings, :ref:`local-user` will always contain the same value. .. _no_agent: ``no_agent`` ------------ **Default:** ``False`` If ``True``, will tell the SSH layer not to seek out running SSH agents when using key-based authentication. .. versionadded:: 0.9.1 .. seealso:: :option:`--no_agent <-a>` .. _no_keys: ``no_keys`` ------------------ **Default:** ``False`` If ``True``, will tell the SSH layer not to load any private key files from one's ``$HOME/.ssh/`` folder. (Key files explicitly loaded via ``fab -i`` will still be used, of course.) .. versionadded:: 0.9.1 .. seealso:: :option:`-k` .. _env-parallel: ``parallel`` ------------------- **Default:** ``False`` When ``True``, forces all tasks to run in parallel. Implies :ref:`env.linewise `. .. versionadded:: 1.3 .. seealso:: :option:`--parallel <-P>`, :doc:`parallel` .. _password: ``password`` ------------ **Default:** ``None`` The default password used by the SSH layer when connecting to remote hosts, **and/or** when answering `~fabric.operations.sudo` prompts. .. seealso:: :option:`--initial-password-prompt <-I>`, :ref:`env.passwords `, :ref:`password-management` .. _passwords: ``passwords`` ------------- **Default:** ``{}`` This dictionary is largely for internal use, and is filled automatically as a per-host-string password cache. Keys are full :ref:`host strings ` and values are passwords (strings). .. seealso:: :ref:`password-management` .. versionadded:: 1.0 .. _env-path: ``path`` -------- **Default:** ``''`` Used to set the ``$PATH`` shell environment variable when executing commands in `~fabric.operations.run`/`~fabric.operations.sudo`/`~fabric.operations.local`. It is recommended to use the `~fabric.context_managers.path` context manager for managing this value instead of setting it directly. .. versionadded:: 1.0 .. _pool-size: ``pool_size`` ------------- **Default:** ``0`` Sets the number of concurrent processes to use when executing tasks in parallel. .. versionadded:: 1.3 .. seealso:: :option:`--pool-size <-z>`, :doc:`parallel` .. _prompts: ``prompts`` ------------- **Default:** ``{}`` The ``prompts`` dictionary allows users to control interactive prompts. If a key in the dictionary is found in a command's standard output stream, Fabric will automatically answer with the corresponding dictionary value. .. versionadded:: 1.9 .. _port: ``port`` -------- **Default:** ``None`` Set to the port part of ``env.host_string`` by ``fab`` when iterating over a host list. May also be used to specify a default port. .. _real-fabfile: ``real_fabfile`` ---------------- **Default:** ``None`` Set by ``fab`` with the path to the fabfile it has loaded up, if it got that far. For informational purposes only. .. seealso:: :doc:`fab` .. _remote-interrupt: ``remote_interrupt`` -------------------- **Default:** ``None`` Controls whether Ctrl-C triggers an interrupt remotely or is captured locally, as follows: * ``None`` (the default): only `~fabric.operations.open_shell` will exhibit remote interrupt behavior, and `~fabric.operations.run`/`~fabric.operations.sudo` will capture interrupts locally. * ``False``: even `~fabric.operations.open_shell` captures locally. * ``True``: all functions will send the interrupt to the remote end. .. versionadded:: 1.6 .. _rcfile: ``rcfile`` ---------- **Default:** ``$HOME/.fabricrc`` Path used when loading Fabric's local settings file. .. seealso:: :option:`--config <-c>`, :doc:`fab` .. _reject-unknown-hosts: ``reject_unknown_hosts`` ------------------------ **Default:** ``False`` If ``True``, the SSH layer will raise an exception when connecting to hosts not listed in the user's known-hosts file. .. seealso:: :option:`--reject-unknown-hosts <-r>`, :doc:`ssh` .. _system-known-hosts: ``system_known_hosts`` ------------------------ **Default:** ``None`` If set, should be the path to a :file:`known_hosts` file. The SSH layer will read this file before reading the user's known-hosts file. .. seealso:: :doc:`ssh` ``roledefs`` ------------ **Default:** ``{}`` Dictionary defining role name to host list mappings. .. seealso:: :doc:`execution` .. _roles: ``roles`` --------- **Default:** ``[]`` The global role list used when composing per-task host lists. .. seealso:: :option:`--roles <-R>`, :doc:`execution` .. _shell: ``shell`` --------- **Default:** ``/bin/bash -l -c`` Value used as shell wrapper when executing commands with e.g. `~fabric.operations.run`. Must be able to exist in the form `` ""`` -- e.g. the default uses Bash's ``-c`` option which takes a command string as its value. .. seealso:: :option:`--shell <-s>`, :ref:`FAQ on bash as default shell `, :doc:`execution` .. _skip-bad-hosts: ``skip_bad_hosts`` ------------------ **Default:** ``False`` If ``True``, causes ``fab`` (or non-``fab`` use of `~fabric.tasks.execute`) to skip over hosts it can't connect to. .. versionadded:: 1.4 .. seealso:: :option:`--skip-bad-hosts`, :ref:`excluding-hosts`, :doc:`execution` .. _ssh-config-path: ``ssh_config_path`` ------------------- **Default:** ``$HOME/.ssh/config`` Allows specification of an alternate SSH configuration file path. .. versionadded:: 1.4 .. seealso:: :option:`--ssh-config-path`, :ref:`ssh-config` ``ok_ret_codes`` ------------------------ **Default:** ``[0]`` Return codes in this list are used to determine whether calls to `~fabric.operations.run`/`~fabric.operations.sudo`/`~fabric.operations.sudo` are considered successful. .. versionadded:: 1.6 .. _sudo_prefix: ``sudo_prefix`` --------------- **Default:** ``"sudo -S -p '%(sudo_prompt)s' " % env`` The actual ``sudo`` command prefixed onto `~fabric.operations.sudo` calls' command strings. Users who do not have ``sudo`` on their default remote ``$PATH``, or who need to make other changes (such as removing the ``-p`` when passwordless sudo is in effect) may find changing this useful. .. seealso:: The `~fabric.operations.sudo` operation; :ref:`env.sudo_prompt ` .. _sudo_prompt: ``sudo_prompt`` --------------- **Default:** ``"sudo password:"`` Passed to the ``sudo`` program on remote systems so that Fabric may correctly identify its password prompt. .. seealso:: The `~fabric.operations.sudo` operation; :ref:`env.sudo_prefix ` .. _sudo_user: ``sudo_user`` ------------- **Default:** ``None`` Used as a fallback value for `~fabric.operations.sudo`'s ``user`` argument if none is given. Useful in combination with `~fabric.context_managers.settings`. .. seealso:: `~fabric.operations.sudo` .. _env-tasks: ``tasks`` ------------- **Default:** ``[]`` Set by ``fab`` to the full tasks list to be executed for the currently executing command. For informational purposes only. .. seealso:: :doc:`execution` .. _timeout: ``timeout`` ----------- **Default:** ``10`` Network connection timeout, in seconds. .. versionadded:: 1.4 .. seealso:: :option:`--timeout`, :ref:`connection-attempts` ``use_shell`` ------------- **Default:** ``True`` Global setting which acts like the ``shell`` argument to `~fabric.operations.run`/`~fabric.operations.sudo`: if it is set to ``False``, operations will not wrap executed commands in ``env.shell``. .. _use-ssh-config: ``use_ssh_config`` ------------------ **Default:** ``False`` Set to ``True`` to cause Fabric to load your local SSH config file. .. versionadded:: 1.4 .. seealso:: :ref:`ssh-config` .. _user: ``user`` -------- **Default:** User's local username The username used by the SSH layer when connecting to remote hosts. May be set globally, and will be used when not otherwise explicitly set in host strings. However, when explicitly given in such a manner, this variable will be temporarily overwritten with the current value -- i.e. it will always display the user currently being connected as. To illustrate this, a fabfile:: from fabric.api import env, run env.user = 'implicit_user' env.hosts = ['host1', 'explicit_user@host2', 'host3'] def print_user(): with hide('running'): run('echo "%(user)s"' % env) and its use:: $ fab print_user [host1] out: implicit_user [explicit_user@host2] out: explicit_user [host3] out: implicit_user Done. Disconnecting from host1... done. Disconnecting from host2... done. Disconnecting from host3... done. As you can see, during execution on ``host2``, ``env.user`` was set to ``"explicit_user"``, but was restored to its previous value (``"implicit_user"``) afterwards. .. note:: ``env.user`` is currently somewhat confusing (it's used for configuration **and** informational purposes) so expect this to change in the future -- the informational aspect will likely be broken out into a separate env variable. .. seealso:: :doc:`execution`, :option:`--user <-u>` ``version`` ----------- **Default:** current Fabric version string Mostly for informational purposes. Modification is not recommended, but probably won't break anything either. .. seealso:: :option:`--version <-V>` .. _warn_only: ``warn_only`` ------------- **Default:** ``False`` Specifies whether or not to warn, instead of abort, when `~fabric.operations.run`/`~fabric.operations.sudo`/`~fabric.operations.local` encounter error conditions. .. seealso:: :option:`--warn-only <-w>`, :doc:`execution`